Work With Me! Get Sparked.

Group Team-Building & Workshops, 1:1 Coaching

I’m Julie, a Sparkologist, and I want to help you or your team find what sparks you! Do you know what sparks you as an individual — at work AND outside of work? What lights you up? What makes time fly by? What excites you!?!

Do you know what you can help a coworker with, because it comes so easily and it's so fun for you? Have you ever thought about it? What do you do well AND do with joy? Do you know what sparks your coworkers, and what they can help you with? Do you think they’ve thought about it? Have you?

Knowing what you love and why you love it can change your life. You’ll have the language and understanding of what you — a unique, special individual — are meant to be doing, because you invested time and energy to do the inside work to understand why and to understand what makes you YOU.

The more your efforts and energy align with your Sparketype, the more likely you are to feel:

-- energized and excited,

-- filled with meaning,

-- lost in flow, and

-- performing at your full potential.

You may be asking, “Is there some way I can work with someone who knows this body of work and these tools?”

Yes!! That’s me, Julie, the Sparkologist. I can’t wait to help you figure out and then fill your days with more of what sparks you.

Not sure where or how to get started?

  1. Take the FREE Sparketype test ( to learn your archetype that sparks you (a.k.a Sparketype).

  2. You totally resonated with your results, are super intrigued, and want to work together? Use my Contact form to connect with me and discuss what’s right for you.

  • Groups: If you want to bring this to your team for an engaging, interactive workshop or event, I’d love to chat with you about customizing something just for you and your team. Workshop topics can include:

    • How knowing what sparks and motivates you individually can create a more efficient and effective team

    • Understanding strengths and motivations of coworkers

    • Learning more about your individual strengths and sparks and having the language to share with your team

    • Reducing team conflict through better communication

  • Individuals: If you want to work with me 1:1, I’d love to share info about coaching packages. Areas we explore can include:

    • Discovering and reconnecting with what lights you up

    • Reevaluating what you want, because you’re in a season of change

    • Considering adjustments at your current or job a new career path

    • You checked all the boxes you thought would lead to happiness, but still don’t feel fulfilled

    • Understanding your strengths and motivations

Julie is a Certified Sparketype Advisor, which is based

on Jonathan Fields’s book SPARKED and the free Sparketype


to help you find what sparks you at work and in life.

Get in touch